Thursday, March 31, 2011

Play Ball!

It is opening day for Major League Baseball. This is a magical day. Every team is tied for first and every team has an equal chance to win it all. Is this your companies opening day?

By this I mean do you ever wipe the slate clean to start a new season? Zero out the stats and start over? This has two effects.

First, you can say to all your employees and customers, what have you done for me lately? Yes, they have been a great customer….last decade. He is your best salesman averaged over 15 years…. I love walking into a restaurant that has a best place to eat award on the wall from a local paper from 20 years ago. Mmmmmm what’s cooking?

Second, you can forget that past and look forward. We have always lost money on that customer, but I kept changing services. His utilization has always been less than others…but he documents processes like nobody’s business.

The body of work is important, but selective memory has its place too.

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